
The IUMA Educational System is divided into 7 main parts, SCUBA Diver Easy, SCUBA Diver Expert, SDJL, SDSL, Free Diver Leader, Wild SCUBA Diver Leader, Coast and River Hike Leader, further Diving Skills and several Competences.

Equivalency/Analogie Table

SCUBA Diver Easy 20Open Water SCUBA Diver
SCUBA Diver Easy 40Advanced SCUBA Diver
SCUBA Diver Expert 20does not find comparison
SCUBA Diver Expert 40It is similar to Master SCUBA Diver but provides different skill levels, competences and abilities
SDJLDive Master and Assistant Instructor
SDSLSCUBA Diving Instructor and Trainer
Free Diver Basic and IntermediateFree Diver
Free Diver LeaderFree Diver Instructor
Wild SCUBA Adventure Student does not find comparison
Wild SCUBA Adventure Leaderdoes not find comparison
Coast and River Hike Student does not find comparison
Coast and River Hike Leaderdoes not find comparison